Saturday, December 24, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 24

This online Advent Calendar has been all about injecting positivity into the online world, utilizing things that make me happy.  And on this final day, what is it that makes me happiest?

My boys, who really are the center of my universe.  

Friday, December 23, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 23

Another collection of classic comic book covers.  This time I chose covers of comic collections.

My favorite superhero story, with the most beautiful superhero art of any comic, by David Mazzucchelli.  And this cover just epitomized the simple beauty of his linework. 

THE classic X-Men story, with a cover from Bill Sienkiewicz.  Come on.

A painted George Perez cover. I love the design of this cover, as well as Perez's sharp linework. Great

Dave McKean's covers for Sandman are breathtaking.  And each of the collections has its own distinct feel.  I went with "The Wake" because I love the metaphorical image the centers it all.  

Scott Morse is one of my all-time favorite comic creators.  Soulwind is his magnum opus.  As with Watchmen, I really loved the design of the covers for the five books of Soulwind--simple but elegant.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 22

My favorite Christmas special.  Christmas Eve on Sesame Street.  I watch it every year, and it is still as magical as it was when I was only 5 years old.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 21

This Advent Calendar has been an exercise in infusing the online world with a bit of cheer and positivity---posting images and stories and memories that make me happy.

Claude Monet is my favorite classical artist.  His use of color and the way images form from his myriad brush strokes is something I find breath taking.  I was overjoyed to be able to see, firsthand, a few of his paintings in the National Gallery of Art, in Washington D.C., when I visited there ten years ago.  Truly amazing.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 20

Miracle on 34th Street.  Easily my favorite Christmas film of all time.  Grounded in a reality where Santa Claus is real, and is proven so in a legal battle on Christmas Eve in New York City.
It holds a special spot because I love the magic of this story so much.  


Monday, December 19, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 19

This Advent Calendar is about infusing more joy into the online world, during this holiday season.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year, and decorating for the holidays one of my most anticipated activities.  Here's our house, in Hampden, Maine.  The snow adds so much.  I wouldn't have it any other way.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 18

If you're curious what this "Advent Calendar" is all about, check out the preamble here.

This image, with this quote, epitomizes Superman.  Beautiful. 


Saturday, December 17, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 17

Alan Moore is one of my all-time favorite writers.  His second novel, JERUSALEM, was recently published and clocks in at over 1200 pages.  There's very little of his work that I haven't enjoyed or appreciated, and much of it I have loved.  I'm saving this as a reward for when I finish the first draft of "the crime novel."  A bit of inspiration, you might say.  I'm happy this is out in the world, now, and excited to read it.  

Friday, December 16, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 16

Another Friday, with another fistful of comic book covers for this Advent Calendar.

An all-time favorite comic series, from my childhood of the 80s, with an iconic Luke McDonnell image of Deadshot, who became a huge hit thanks to Suicide Squad.  

One of the comic series that announced to the world that "comics weren't just for kids, anymore."  The simplicity of this cover is what makes it so amazing. Art by Miller, color by Varley.

Walt Simonson on Thor.  'nuff said.

Don Lomax's Vietnam Journal is a touchstone comic book series, for me.  I've written about it recently.  Search on Vietnam Journal, then seek out the collected editions for these. Amazing.

Not just an iconic image, but an iconic cover design (the title goes up the side?!?).  I spent a year analyzing Moore & Gibbons's Watchmen.  If you've read it, you might give that a try.  If not, this needs to be the next thing on your to-read list.  A defining work from two legends.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 15

This Advent Calendar has been about injecting more fun/happiness/enjoyment into the online world.  So...

The "Criminal" podcast is pretty great.  As it states in the title, host Phoebe Judge shares stories around the theme of crime and criminality, but these are not your typical crime stories.  Episode #15, was a particular highlight, about how one man in an Oakland neighborhood changed where he lived for the better just by placing a 2-ft. stone Buddha on a median in the neighborhood.  It's a pretty amazing story.  You should check it out. 


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 14

With the cold weather finally landing, here in Maine, this is something truly important, for this time of year.  A coat that doubles as a sleeping bag, to help the homeless better survive their plight.  Learn more about it here:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 13

The first author whose work I fell in love with was J.R.R. Tolkien, and his works still resonate strongly with me, almost 40 years after first being introduced to them.  It was only later that I discovered he was a pretty great artist as well.  So, for day 13, some examples of Professor Tolkien's art.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 11

This Advent Calendar has been about injecting more fun/happiness/enjoyment into the online world.  No better way than to reference A Charlie Brown Christmas.  Who wouldn't smile at that?

Friday, December 9, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar --- day 9

It's another Fistful Friday, with another selection of favorite and/or iconic comic book covers from my collection.  Enjoy.

The series that got me started collecting comics, and the story that revealed some of the origin of my favorite character, Snake-Eyes.  Love, love, love this comic!

Peter David.  Todd McFarlane. Hulk.  Wolverine.  One of my top 5 superhero comics.  

The greatest long-form comic series of all time?  Possibly.  Los Bros Hernandez have created a fully-realized world in L&R, with characters who grow old and evolve. Brilliant!

For a long time, my favorite long-form comic series.  The story of the Dream Lord, from Neil Gaiman and his talented cohort of artists, is amazing.  And the covers, by Dave McKean, are just flat-out gorgeous and elevate the entire thing to a whole new level.  

Love the book, and the cover design by Owen, with that "marbled" background.

SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #21 -- Alan Moore's Scene Transitions

  Saga of the Swamp Thing #21: "The Anatomy Lesson"  This is the comic where most readers began their appreciation of Alan Moore...